Thursday, 11 November 2010


Here are some photos I took the other day, but I have edited them to enhance them and make them look more polished. I have 'print-screened' a few techniques I have used on Photoshop to show what techniques were used.
Original photo
Above, a print screen of photoshop, using the clone stamp tool to get rid of the knife which is distracting.
Here is the final image, I increased the contrast, and burned in the corners to bring in the focus too.

Here is another image I have edited on Photoshop, that I particularly like as a 'Final'.
Original image
Above, a print screen image from Photoshop, using the curves tool, and adjusting the contrast as well.
 Above, a print screen image from Photoshop, using the burn tool to draw in focus towards the glass, and to act as a 'frame'

Here is the final image after editing. 

 Here is another photo that I took which I really like, it's already looks like it has had some editing done to it, but I haven't changed it at all. I might crop it, and enhance it slightly.

Above is a screenprint of photoshop, showing the 'clone stamp' tool being used- to remove the blue bag on the left hand side of the photo which was distracting.

 Above is the finished edited image. I got rid of the blue bag, and cropped down the image, just slightly to draw in focus. I added some contrast, changed the curve levels and burned in the corners.

Above is a desaturated version of the edited photo, just to compare whether or not I prefer it in black&white or in colour.

Between the 2 photos above, I think I prefer the colour version because the pink glass is very vibrant and eye-catching, and acts as a focal point to the photo, where as in the black&white version you lose that vibrancy. One of my favourite tools on Photoshop is the clone stamp tool, (which I have been using alot of!) which 'clones' certain areas of your photo so you can remove things that are distracting and unnecessary. It is also a very effective tool when used on photos of people, because you can remove blemishes on their skin and any other marks to make the skin look flawless.

1 comment:

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